The Twisted Team loves that everyone is so eager to come to class and bust your rear to see success! However, did you know that REST & RECOVERY are essential parts of your workout routine, just as important as what you eat, how you hydrate, and those dreaded push-ups and cardio days? People often overlook and underestimate the importance of muscle recovery. Skipping this essential part of your routine can have damaging effects on your body. Here is what you need to know to keep your body at top performance, safe and healthy! PLAN It is scientifically proven that rest and recovery enhance performance. As with anything in life, if you want to be successful you have to plan for it. It may sound crazy, or overly type A (Khristen and Carissa don't mind, type A personalities is how we got here) but, planning for recovery and rest is critical to a successful training program. If you carve out time in your busy schedule to kick ass in class seve...