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Showing posts from April, 2016

The Curious Case of Creative Movement - Part 2 - Carissa Laitinen - Kniss

The Curious Case of Creative Movement Part 2 What It Is As an incoming freshman at TWU, I thought I knew what movement was, what dance was, and how to create it and perform it.  I thought wrong.  I had excellent training growing up, far superior to most young girls going to dance studios.  We were required to take Pilates, taught good foundational elements, excellent technique, and I had some of the best teachers in the nation.  I was afforded opportunities to take classes from world renowned teachers and artists of dance.  I attended classes with professionals from Joffery, American Ballet Theater, The Royal Winnepeg Ballet, and former prima ballerinas from the Russian Ballet Academy.  I went in a strong confident dancer that freshman year and was knocked flat on my ass with knowledge that made my brain melt and my heart hurt.  I was attending one of the top ten universities in the nation for dance an...

The Curious Case of Creative Movement - Part 1 - Carissa Laitinen - Kniss

The Curious Case of Creative Movement Part 1 The Back Story Before we get into the deep parts of what creative movement is, why it's important and so on.  I feel it's necessary to share a little personal history, in hopes it will help others better understand why this is so important to me and quite possibly you as well. I can still rock the Goodship Lollipop! Throughout my entire life I have danced.  In the beginning it was movement for movements sake.  I was a young child and simply enjoyed moving.  I enjoyed the way it felt to spin, roll, flip and sway.  I enjoyed how the music moved inside me, the vibration, and how it became an extension into the physical world.  After a few years of incessantly bothering my mother everyday all day with "Me go to dance school mommy?", she finally enrolled me in private studio to study dance.  She thought it would be a short lived 3 year old's adventure in movement, little did she know that 30 year...